
Franchising | Finn Roache Lawyers

Franchising Code Review Recommendations Endorsed by Government

The Federal Government has endorsed all 23 recommendations made by the Independent Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct released on 8 February 2024.  The recommendations were based on feedback from regulators and stakeholders. It remains to be seen how the recommendations will be implemented, noting some are for further analysis rather than amendments. A […]

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Uncontested estate application | Finn Roache Lawyers

Family Law Process

Pre action procedures There are 5 steps which must be undertaken before a family matter can proceed to the Court. Step 1: Provide a copy of the Before you file – pre action procedure. Provide a copy of the Before you file – pre action procedure for financial cases or parenting cases (prescribed brochure) to

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Uncontested estate application | Finn Roache Lawyers

Uncontested estate applications move online effective 1 August 2023

In line with the NSW Governments Digital Strategy of making Court procedures more accessible, from 1 August 2023, uncontested estate applications move online. The “Probate Service” will enable uncontested applications for the following types of matters to be filed online: Grant of Probate. Reseals. Letters of Administration. Letters of Administration with the Will annexed. Other

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Property Law | Finns Lawyers

Missing clause held to have caused loss of millions for developer

A law firm acting for the landowner and his company in a large-scale property development failed to include a critical clause in the joint venture agreement. The court is yet to determine the damages, but the losses claimed are in excess of $100 million. The missing clause would have made all joint venturers liable for

Missing clause held to have caused loss of millions for developer Read More »

Laundry Hotels Quarry | Finn Roache Lawyers

Laundry Hotels (Quarry) Pty Ltd v Dyco Hotels Pty Ltd [2023] HCA 6

In a recent decision, the High Court has considered the obligations of a seller of a business to trade in the ordinary course.  The court held that the seller was ready willing and able to complete the $11 million transaction, despite not operating its hotel business due to NSW government public health restrictions due to

Laundry Hotels (Quarry) Pty Ltd v Dyco Hotels Pty Ltd [2023] HCA 6 Read More »

SafeWork NSW V Synergy | Finn Roache Lawyers

SafeWork NSW v Synergy Scaffolding Services Pty Ltd [2022] NSWDC 584

Summary: A scaffolding collapse killed one worker and injured another where the scaffolding was almost entirely untethered to the building and was overloaded. The scaffolding contractor was fined $2 million (of a possible $3 million maximum penalty) for a category 1 offence under the WHS Act. Relevant factors included: scaffolding design systemic failures in safety

SafeWork NSW v Synergy Scaffolding Services Pty Ltd [2022] NSWDC 584 Read More »

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